📈Laika Exchange

Laika Inu Finance is an Automated Market Maker (AMM), and the Exchange is at the heart of Laika Inu Finance. Laika Inu Finance is the leading AMM on the BNB Smart Chain, and as statistics tell, the most popular Decentralized Exchange (DEX) ever! The Laika Inu Finance Exchange offers several features that support decentralized trading:


Laika Inu Finance lets users trade without the need to go through a Centralized Exchange. Everything you do on Laika Inu Finance is routed directly through your own wallet—no need to trust someone else with your coins!

Liquidity Pools

You can only swap tokens on Laika Inu Finance if there is enough liquidity for those tokens. If nobody has added much liquidity for the tokens or tokens you want to swap, it will be difficult, expensive, or impossible to do so.

Providing liquidity will get you LP Tokens, which will earn you rewards in the form of trading fees for making sure there's always liquidity for the exchange to use.

Yield Farming

Yield farming lets users that are providing liquidity earn LAKA rewards by locking their LP tokens into a smart contract. The incentive is to balance out the risk of impermanent loss that comes along with locking in your liquidity.

Initial Farm Offerings (IFOs)

An Initial Farm Offering is an event that lets users buy into a limited-time offer to purchase new tokens. The IFO price is usually very generous.

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